I've come across the book Zero Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len many years ago, but did not read it. When I first came across the title, I thought "Hmm, maybe this book is about our limitless potential, maybe it tells us we can do anything we set our mind to, and how we can do that".
I have just finished reading this book, and my assumption about it was completely wrong. Yes, that may be a part of the philosophy of the book, but the core of it is something I had never read or heard of before from anyone else.

My top 3 takeaways from this book
1) Clean. Clean. Clean
I know it sounds weird! But, hold on, it'll make sense.
According to Dr. Hew Len, our physical reality is a manifestation of either one of two things - Memory or Inspiration.
You may have heard the concept of karma, which is thought of by some as memory that replays itself until it's broken out of. Dr. Hew Len's description of creation from erroneous memory has struck me as a very similar concept. These erroneous memories may be subconscious imprints, patterns, memories, thoughts, beliefs, vows or anything that lies in our subconscious mind, creating a physical reality that is often less than desirable for us.
Using the Hawaiian Ho'oponopono prayer that Dr. Hew Len talks about, we "clean, clean, clean" these memories, so that we keep our subconscious mind clear. When our subconscious mind is clear, our physical reality changes because Memory is not blocking Inspiration anymore. At that point, our physical reality is a manifestation of Divine Inspiration.
So, bottomline: We create either from Subconscious Memories or Divine Inspiration. So it's essential to "clean, clean, clean" using the Ho'oponopono Prayer.
2) You are 100% responsible for all that is in your awareness
Including other people, eek!
I know this is a bitter pill you really don't want to swallow. However, Dr. Hew Len insists that the active ingredient of Ho'oponopono is: taking 100% responsibility for ALL that arises in your awareness, including the conflict between your mom and dad, or the mean thing your boss said to you.
Here is the powerful and remarkable story of Dr. Hew Len that drew the author Joe Vitale to him, and it demonstrates this principle of taking 100% responsibility.
Dr. Hew Len, a psychologist was appointed at a psychiatric ward full of mentally ill criminals where patients would often engage in attacks, the staff turnover was high and noone was able to help them. For years, all Dr. Hew Len did was take 100% responsibility for the state of this ward and the patients and clean, clean, clean (the premise here is that because he is aware of this situation, there is a shared erroneous memory between Dr. Hew Len and the patients that is creating this situation). WIthout seeing any of the patients, he sat with their files and used the Ho'oponopono prayer until 4 years later, all patients were better, released from the ward and the ward was closed.
I know this is extremely difficult and 'out there' for most of us to believe in. Although, I believe this could be true, how I am applying this in my life is to take responsibility for what I manifest for myself. That is, I use Ho'oponopono for the situations that directly affect me by taking 100% responsibility for the memory that created this situation in my awareness. I don't dare to take responsibility for other people's situations that I am aware of, because let's face it, there's enough shite in my life that takes up my attention!
3) Zero State
Why is this book called "Zero Limits"? Contrary to my first thought that it speaks about our unlimited potential, it refers to the Zero State, which is a state of freedom from all memories, where you are operating purely from inspiration.
When you "clean, clean, clean" incessantly as Dr. Hew Len suggests is necessary, you arrive at the Zero State, which I believe is a state you achieve through meditation as well.
In the Zero State, inspiration may strike you randomly and spontaneously, which when followed can lead you to your next big breakthrough, financially, relationally, or emotionally.
How YOU can use the Ho'oponopono prayer
Ho'oponopono is a prayer containing these 4 phrases:
1) I'm sorry
2) Please forgive me
3) Thank you
4) I love you
These 4 phrases can be said in any order that resonates with you. You can simply say "thank you, I love you" consistently to make it easy for yourself. Or, you can just repeat "I love you" like a mantra.
You can set an intention for cleaning and repeat these phrases. For example, if you want to clean erroneous memories related to your relationship with you mother or father, you can state the intention and repeat these phrases like a prayer while holding the intention in your awareness, until you feel complete.
I love to use the Ho'oponopono prayer along with Tapping, Journaling and Meditating.
So, should you read this book?
If you're a sucker for spiritual practices that transcend mental barriers, you may enjoy the book and find the practice of Ho'oponopono useful. If you have an open mind, you may be entertained by this book. If you're skeptical, you may find the information unreal and fluffy.
The author's writing style is humourous and easy to read while also being entertaining, so it's a great book to get your hands on. Who knows, it may inspire you to your best healing practice yet!
For me, it has been one of those books that just grab your attention and entertain you while also making a point. I use Ho'oponopono consistently and have found it surprisingly helpful. I have a surprising example I will share another time!
Until then, let me know how you like this article and feel free to comment and email me at healingwithooha@gmail.com for further discussion.